Wednesday, 28 June 2017

#1 Father-in-law is here

He arrived at the weekend and is here for a whole 12 days, I was madly excited on the leadup and am loving his visit.
Thank God that so far, bar the day he arrived, the weather has co-operated. Annoyingly I am at work for three days this week and then I have 6 days off and hes here for Canada day too so thats good timing. So far, hes been out for lunch, down to the lake with the girls, hung out in the back garden, been in the pool and attended three BBQs. I think hes slowly realizing that a BBQ is just part of summer and doesnt require a garden party to use it although its also how we all prefer to cook and eat together.
We even took him to an evening baseball game where Chloes boyfriend was playing.

I took this photo of the house the other day, the sky was that deep deep blue.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Horses again

Sometimes I spend time wondering if I should have a horse and thinking about life without a horse, like my life was for the 9 years I didnt have one. In that time I walked away from the BS politics that typically come with a stable yard, the expense of owning that horse and the expenses of having all the "stuff" for that horse.... the stuff that seems never ending...
Its starts with tack and a grooming kit and quickly moves on to fancy show tack, show gear for you, a trailer, a Jeep to pull that trailer. Countless saddle pads (numnahs to the Brits) and other stuff like pessoas and lungelines and dressage whips and fancier saddle pads with names embroidered on it and the best of the best boots like the Eskadron tendon boots that Pebbles wore.

This time around I am trying hard to resist the "stuff" purchases getting out of control. Ace has one saddle and one bridle, I borrowed a white saddle pad for the last show and a borrowed Pelham so I didnt end up in the dust again due to his romping between fences. I so far have managed to steer clear of trailer ownership (although I would LOVE one) and the required towing truck which Paul wants badly anyway.
I am buying secondhand stuff and trying my hardest to ignore the beautiful breeches that are worn by everyone else and the Charles Owen helmets that seem to be the "in thing" here. It was a big deal to buy myself beige breeches at all and I still am in my old jacket that now needs new buttons.

If I try to stay grounded and remember how much I love it and how much I dont NEED all that stuff, I am fine.
Heres a photo from last weeks show where we came second overall in combined 2'6" hunter and 3rd in the stake class which earned us $24 :-)
I so love this horse

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Remember when you badly wanted everything that you now have

The UK seems to be really going through the wringer the last few months what with London x 2 now and Manchester. All tragedies, all affecting people who are now living with loss, painful loss. And now its a country with guidance along the lines of "run, hide, tell". I was a child who grew up in the era of the IRA but this feels beyond that to me. That was normal to me (sadly) at age 5. "Run, hide, tell" is guidance that I never thought I would witness there, and I never want to accept as "normal".

So, this morning on my way to work whilst pondering the minor aggravations that are a normal part of (everyones) day I was brought up short by remembering a meme I saw recently that  I cannot, of course, find now. In short it said, and I cant recall it precisly

"Remember when you badly wanted everything that you now have"

I remember when I would walk to meet the person picking me up for my first job (couldnt drive then and had no car) and in that walk would wish that I lived in Canada, in a Canadian home, drove a VW Golf (a red Golf, was the wish at that time in 1991) in a job I loved, married to a great man with children that I adore.
Well, I have all that, and more....
I live in Canada, have a Golf (its grey but meh I love it), a husband I adore, two girls I am so proud of and love more than anything, a Canadian house, a job I love, a swimming pool (that was beyond 90s dreaming), my horse, dogs and cats, my health, my friends and extended family..... Everyday I live this life.
That means I have to put it all into perspective and be damned grateful and stop focusing on the small shit.