Thursday 2 April 2020

The Coronavirus

Its three weeks into my working from home new life. Like the rest of the world I too am getting used to the Covid-19 threat and what it means to this home and our life.
For us, the lucky ones, it means me working from home, hubby working 7 day on, 14 days home shifts, the girls starting e-learning and massive restrictions to our outdoor life.
We have to go one at a time to the grocery stores where sometimes items are limited, tape is on the floor and staff are behind plexiglass.
I have a two hour slot at the barn most days where I ride Ducky. I can walk the dogs and as a family we can walk in our neighbourhood.
We cannot go to state parks, beaches or walk in new places as we risk a fine. We cannot see friends.

Companies around us are pulling back or shutting down as the world continues to change. Gas is at 64c a litre and I have no idea when I can get my glasses changed now I have broken the frames. I am waiting to see if new ones might arrive as the manufacturer has shut down.

For others they battle their very lives as we see daily on the news as globally this coronavirus takes hold. Frightening numbers of infections and death by country.  For some people, the homeless, the less fortunate countries this is very bad indeed. For our seniors, those with less than perfect health and even healthy people - this is dire and life threatening, and life ending.

Its all come to this in mere weeks.

I wonder where we go from here.

Meanwhile I have learnt to make bread and cookies to take care of our bank accounts, and am growing salad in the window sill of the spare room as its still cool outside. The pets are overjoyed at our continued presence at home and I check in with friends and family around the world as often as I can.
I wear PJs to keep clothes good and have a whole new routine including a morning workout every single day before working to try to address the newly painful pelvis I seem to have acquired.

This virus seems to be bringing out the empathy in the empaths and the jerk behaviour of the jerks. Many still dont believe its "a thing" which blows my mind.

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