Wednesday 29 April 2020

The end of a Covid April

The new normal is weirdly ok in many respects, for us.
Every week day I come downstairs, if the weather is good, I walk the dogs and then start my work day, right here:
I am in reality living the working from home dream.
I have a lovely breakfast every day of homemade bread toasted with eggs and then a slice with jam. Lately due to my low iron levels I eat spinach too, I eat spinach in as many things as I can. Thankfully I rather like it.

I have discovered how to make greek yogurt, out of necessity as everyone was eating it and it was getting expensive. I also make cookies as Lily practically inhales them and bread as that too costs a lot for something thats not that good. We invested in a new breadmaker that makes bread and yogurt and I dont believe I will ever buy bread, cookies or greek yogurt again.

I go to the barn in my time slot where only three are allowed at any given time and hang out with Ducky, sometimes we ride, sometimes I loose school him to work out energy and to be able to watch him move. I try to keep it all low risk as I dont want to invite a trip to the ER.
Lately the weather has been gorgeous but the last couple of days its been snowing and cold.

I have also started growing my own food, I have sugar snap peas, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, celery, carrots and cucumber started, some more successful than others. Yesterday I ate my own lettuce for the first time ever.

Apart from worrying where this may take us financially, how it may end or what the new normal would look like, how Bahama Bay will fare among other things, I am just wondering onwards.

Paul is working one week on and two weeks off in a rotational shift, in his home weeks hes spring cleaning and making things with what we may already own as we hoard money every way possible.

The girls are learning in Google classrooms and missing their friends but keeping it positive and we have started takeout Friday to have something cool each week.
Lately a family trip to the local A&W has been a highlight.

The dogs and I are restricted to this neighbourhood as I dont wish to risk any fines and we are online grocery shopping including our meat from Snowy River Farms which has been a dream of mine for a while, eating healthy guilt-free meat is blissful. The idea of happy animals being the basis of my food makes such a difference.

Unfortunately a week and a half ago a man who I refuse to name took the lives of 22 people in  13.5 hour shooting and arson rampage. The whole province is reeling and the country feels it. For us it was half an hour of crazy and then it was over. It still doesnt feel real although for the families affected it is painfully real. For me, I no longer emotionally respond to police cars the same way.

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