From our relatively safe spot in NS, with next to no active cases, for now, we wander on in our new normal.
Riding lots for me and being with Ducky which is a joy, tending the garden where the sugar snap peas run rampant and I have managed to grow actual green beans, the tomatoes are weighing down the plants but remain obstinately green, and the pepper plants have buds that I believe are actual peppers.
I know for a fact that I will now always attempt to grow my own food, will never choose to buy a pizza again or bread or greek yogurt and remain tremendously in love with cranberry juice and club soda.
Chloe is on her life-guarding course, Lily remains in her room through choice as much as she can and *needs* to return to school in some manner in September for her own mental health and Paul is back to full time hours. I continue to thrive in my home office, in this job I love.
At the same time I watch with ever growing concern how its all un-ravelling in our beloved Florida and wonder when we will ever return and what it will look like. Will it be the same with the same high volume traffic and will the places that we love to visit still exist. What will happen? Its all concerning and I know everyone talks about the second wave but what happens after that? Will there be a third wave? The unknown of it all is so unpleasant and makes me fearful of the future.
I know that the world needs to change and I hope that the change will start now. I hope that the powers that be will use those places like Iceland as a benchmark to look at producing energy etc.
We are living through history and I feel so very much in more than two places at once about that.

For the tranquility of what we are fortunate to have here.
For this house, this neighbourhood, this province in this country so much thankfulness.
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