Tuesday 19 January 2021

January 2021 so far

 January so far...

Has been unseasonably warm. Apart from a couple of days we have gotten away with warmer temps. I think yesterday marked the change but so far I am grateful for the first half. I hope that this doesnt mean that winter is just late and will last until June.

I am trying to consider how I look at food and what food I like to eat and what that food actually is. I spend a lot of time trying to make willpower last but we all know that its only around for a while so instead of battling I am attempting to reset my mind, please wish me luck.

Currently I am yearning for a trip down South. Its not happening of course with Covid still around in all its awfulness. The other morning I woke up feeling low about it. About the fact that it may never go away, that the vaccine wont obliterate it like I hoped, that it may always be in our lives, that 2019 may be BC (before Covid). That is a terrible thought.

Ducky and I have been focused on flat work which has been nice especially in the not so freezing cold temps and I have been working on my personal goals as a human. 

I have been walking the dogs each morning and at the weekend continue to take them somewhere new.

I am trying to really just focus on enjoying my home and the cozy-ness of it all.

Finally - rest in peace Karen, taken far too soon .

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