Sunday 4 November 2018

where to be on my 45th

The other night we were at dinner with friends and the conversation covered what we wanted to do for our 45th birthdays and where we wanted to be doing it....and I got to thinking about where I wanted to be for that pretty sizeable birthday...
Thankfully its far enough off to allow for some saving (ha! we laugh at the idea of having enough spare cash to actually save for anything, but one can dream)

If all the stars aligned and we had the cash and my oldest could be out of school for it (unlikely) then I think I would like to be in Tranquility Bay resort in Marathon. I have been stalking that resort on FB for a couple of years now and its all kinds of idyllic and expensive. I would also like to revisit old Key West haunts just to see how it hits me ( emotionally or nothing?)  Key West used to be my personal paradise but amongst all the beauty there is a degree of major tackiness that I steered my kids away from from the moment they could read.

I wonder if its possible...

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