Thursday 27 December 2018


Its fast approaching 2019 and as usual life is flying by. We have been in Canada almost 8 years and this place is well and truly home.
I had a call with my FIL about a week or so ago which was fun as for every sentence spoken I found myself loudly or mentally translating what was said. I just couldnt help it.

FIL - " so Melissa has a new house to move into and its really nice but she has to put carpets down, so on the floor is only... um"
Me "a subfloor?"
FIL "Yes its wood so she has to order carpets but the hall and kitchen is hard"
Me "they have tile?"
FIL "Yes and the kitchen is nice, has lots of cupboards.."
Me in my head "cabinetry"
FIL "...and has the plumbing for white goods"
Me in my head "appliances"

And so it continues, this constant mental translation of words and sayings that takes place in my head.

Its been a lovely Christmas, despite me having a fairly active cold. As usual Paul cooked a delicious Christmas dinner and Ruby and co. joined us for dinner which was as always wonderful, but the differences that really stood out to me were how I felt about pretty much everything. My friends who I completely love, I am so comfortable with them and so grateful for them. The quiet, I truly loved it. The way I still feel about the tree and the decorations, usually by now I am ready for them to be gone, but this year I am still enjoying them. Boxing day was everything Boxing day should be - binge watching a vet show (the Incredible Doctor Pol) whilst Paul watched Harry Potter, snacking on sandwiches made of hot turkey, ham, sliced roast potatoes, stuffing and cold cranberry sauce. Being able to visit with Ace, walking the dogs with Paul, helping Chloe organize her new room, watching Lily paint with her new watercolours, sitting in the dark with the cats in front of the fire and looking at the lights of the house across the road surrounded by the night sky.

So much cosy and comfort of our home. Truly thankful.

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