Wednesday 27 February 2019


I learnt two awesome sayings today:

  • "Just because they say it doesn't make it so" - how many of us can apply that one to our lives, every day.
  • "Profanity is a sentence enhancer" - just love it.

In my observations of the two cultures I have been immersed in, in my life, I have noticed some more key differences:

  • The Brits do not generally shy away from confrontation, especially the Gen X and Millennial generations. They tend to "say it how it is" and dislike what they consider two-faced behaviour intensely.
  • Canadians are way keener to go with "the filter". This can be confusing to a Brit. But, not all Canadians follow this train of thought.  They are definitely more polite that an outraged Brit, and for the most part manage their emotions better, but they forgo the filter and take the direct approach. I have come to realize these are my Canadian friends.
Obviously I am stereotyping here, but these are my observations...

And finally, just because its hump day, a term I am now not only comfortable with but use weekly, I am finally at ease with the Z that arrives in words that "should" have an S in there, e.g:
  • realize
  • amortize
But, I do not accept "addicting" in place of "addictive" and "write you" in place of "write to you"
Just cant do it.

Happy hump day

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