Friday, 20 July 2012

old habits

So I am at work today and I have been listening to Grooveshark. I have a playlist of Don Henley, the Eagles and songs from Forest Gump. Funnily enough all the sings remind me of our little Langshott house, our first home together when we used to go to the Florida Keys every year – twice once. We used to live in our little Horley home and dream of the Keys.
I remember my job at the time in a little Kent town for a big American company and the days when I used to get in to work and log onto the Keys Webcams so I could watch the last stragglers wander out of the Bars and the cleaners mopping up in the Hogs Breath and I used to dream of being there and plan my next trip.
I had big spreadsheets going with flights on them. I used to look at all the webcams every morning and imagine myself there.
Nowadays I come into work and get my breakfast and have a glance at the Daily Mail. Hows that for misery. I have come to realise that I do in fact need a new set of habits or I may just go back to my old ones.
I think for a week starting tomorrow (Friday, yes I know but theres nothing like the present) I am going to ban the Daily Mail from my life and I am going to go back 13 years to my days of Key West webcams. That will be my new old daily habit.
And we have a big old road trip coming up that needs planning for. I don’t know why I am not so into the planning. Maybe its because I know we are going with another family and therefore its not all down to what we want. Maybe its because I don’t need to escape anymore.
But we ARE going and there does need to be some planning involved so I need to put pen to paper or rather font on spreadsheet and start my budget, savings plan, list of must dos and must visit restaurants.
I can just see those fish off the deck at Sundowners and the girls feeding the Tarpon in Islamorada
OK, so below are some pics from last weekend:

the sea was clear on sand and as you can see glittery in the sun.

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